Sunday, June 30, 2013


Welcome to my blog. I decided to begin posting here again for a number of reasons. My most important reason is that Facebook just does not allow me to fully discuss complicated issues of the day, nor does it allow for truly free expression and response to any given topic in a long format. This blog does. One thing I hate about FB is that if I post something on my own wall, it has to be short, and it is very public. Mind you, I am not ashamed to express my point of view, but in my mind, FB is, and should be, more of a social medium, not a place for serious discourse about politics or philosophy. Topics such as politics often include very sharp opinions and words to express one's point of view. I have always had a hard time, especially on other's walls, taking a dissenting commenter to task, without sounding like I am being the loudmouth at the party; insulting someone who I really do not know.

Right Wing Offspring solves that problem, along with many others quite nicely. It allows me a long format to write about anything I choose, and a place of my own, a clubhouse, if you may, to invite others to for discussing issues. The rules are really simple here if you want to participate. I take the 1st amendment seriously, so there is no censorship involved. Of course, along with that, comes the responsibility of having to back up what you write or comment on. Links and clips from articles with attribution will be allowed, wholesale copy-and-paste will not. Besides violating copyright laws, I am interested in your opinions; I am more than capable of finding other's opinions myself. Since the possibility of anyone just stumbling onto this site by accident is rather remote, I pretty much know everyone here, or you have been invited here. Because of that fact, I respect and I am interested in what you have to say. Please do not post threats or anything else that could get you, or force me to get you in trouble. Our NSA representative for this site is named Fred, and his sense of humor is severely lacking, to say the least.

I enjoy things other than politics as well, so there will be posts covering other topics as they strike me. Please enjoy, and again, welcome.

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